TEDxGalway 2024 Videos

 TEDxGalway 2023 Talks

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Sarah Anne Buckley and John Breslin talk about Old Ireland in Colour




Galway City


Based in Galway, on the wild west coast of Ireland, you can always be sure of something a little bit different appearing on the TEDxGalway stage. Our event takes place in the Town Hall Theatre - Galway’s premiere venue for theatre and spoken word performances. A creative and festival-focused city, Galway boasts a great range of excellent restaurants and accommodation options for the weary TEDx traveller.




Partners & Sponsors

We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our sponsors who really allowed us to up the production values this year. iSupply for onstage graphics and Staunton Media for cameras, video production and event production. Local outfits that compete keenly on the national and international stage, but still maintain that pure Galway vibe and character.
